Ph.D. in Coastal Engineering
Lattice Boltzmann Numerical Hydrodynamics
Compressible Fluids
Tsunami waves are generated by sea bottom failures, landslides and faults. The concurrent generation of hydro-acoustic waves (HAW), which travel much faster than the tsunami, has received much attention, motivated by their possible exploitation as precursors of tsunamis. This feature makes the detection of HAW particularly well-suited for building an early-warning system. Accuracy and efficiency of the mod- eling approaches for HAW thus play a pivotal role in the design of such systems. Here, we present a Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) for the generation and propagation of HAW resulting from tsunami- genic ground motions and verify it against commonly employed modeling solutions. LBM is well known for providing fast and accurate solutions to both hydrodynamics and acoustics problems, thus it naturally becomes a candidate as a comprehensive computational tool for modeling generation and propagation of HAW.
Time history of dynamic pressure along two vertical columns located at 10 km (upper panels) and 100 km (lower panels) from epicenter.
[1] P. Prestininzi, A. Abdolali, A. Montessori, J.T. Kirby, M.La Rocca, Lattice Boltzmann approach for hydro-acoustic waves generated by tsunamigenic sea bottom displacement, Ocean Modelling, Volume 107, November 2016, Pages 14-20, ISSN 1463-5003,
Supplementary video
The generation and propagation dynamics of the pressure field in the whole domain for a test case introduced in [1]