Ph.D. in Coastal Engineering
Refereed Journal Papers
Costa, S., Oliveira, T. C., & Abdolali, A. (2024). Wind-wave steepness offshore the North American east coast. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science
Oladejo, H. O., Bernstein, D. N., Cambazoglu, M. K., Nechaev, D., Abdolali, A., & Wiggert, J. D. (2024). Wind forcing, source term, and grid optimization for hurricane wave modelling in the Gulf of Mexico. Coastal Engineering, 104692.
Kadri, U., Abdolali, A., and Filimonov, M.: GREAT v1.0: Global Real-time Early Assessment of Tsunamis, Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss,, 2024.
Ricardo M Campos, Ali Abdolali, Jose-Henrique Alves, Matthew Masarik, Jessica Meixner, Avichal Mehra, Darin Figurskey, Saeideh Banihashemi, Joseph Sienkiewicz, Rick Lumpkin, 2024, Development and Validation of NOAA’s 20-year global wave ensemble reforecast. Wea. Forecasting,
Jose-Henrique Alves, Roberto Padilla-Hernandez, Deanna Spindler, Walter Kolczynski, Bhavani Rajan, Todd Spindler, Ali Abdolali, Ricardo Campos, Saeideh Banihashemi, Jessica Meixner, 2024, Development of a Wave Model Component in the First Coupled Global Ensemble Forecast System at NOAA. Wea. Forecasting,
Fujisaki-Manome, A., Hu, H., Wang, J., Westerink, J., Wirasaet, D., Ling, G., Choi, M., Moghimi, S., Myers, E., Abdolali, A., Dawson, C., & Janzen, C. (2024). Advanced sea ice modeling for short-term forecasting for Alaska’s coasts. Weather and Forecasting (published online ahead of print 2024).
Abdolali, A., Banihashemi, S., Alves, J. H., Roland, A., Hesser, T. J., Anderson Bryant, M., and McKee Smith, J.: Great Lakes wave forecast system on high-resolution unstructured meshes, Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 1023–1039, 2024.
Xianghui Dong, Qingxiang Liu, Stefan Zieger, Alberto Alberello, Ali Abdolali, Jian Sun, Kejian Wu, and Alexander V. Babanin, Numerical simulations of ocean surface waves along the Australian coast with a focus on the Great Barrier Reef, Journal of Geophysical Research: Ocean (submitted).
Mentaschi, L., Vousdoukas, M., García-Sánchez, G., Fernándéz-Montblanc, T., Roland, A., Voukouvalas, E., Federico, E., Abdolali, A., Zhang, Y., Feyen, L. (2023) A global unstructured, coupled, high-resolution hindcast of waves and storm surge, Front. Mar. Sci., Sec. Physical Oceanography, Volume 10 - 2023, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1233679
Alves, Jose-Henrique, Hendrik Tolman, Aron Roland, Ali Abdolali, Fabrice Ardhuin, Greg Mann, Arun Chawla, and Jane Smith. "NOAA’s Great Lakes Wave Prediction System: A Successful Framework for Accelerating the Transition of Innovations to Operations", Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society,
M. Deb, J. T. Kirby,. A. Abdolali and Shi, F.(2022), A surface porosity approach for eliminating artificial ponding in coastal salt marsh simulations, Coastal Engineering, 104246,
Md Arifur Rahman; Yu Zhang; Lixin Lu; Saeed Moghimi; Kelin Hu; Ali Abodolali (2022), Relative Accuracy of HWRF Reanalysis and a Parametric Wind Model during the Landfall of Hurricane Florence and the Impacts on Storm Surge Simulations, Natural Hazards, doi: 10.1007/s11069-022-05702-3
N. Monteiro, T. Oliveira, P. Silva, A. Abdolali (2022), Wind–wave characterization and modeling in the Azores Archipelago, 263,112395, Ocean Engineering,
Abdolali A, Hesser TJ, Anderson Bryant M, Roland A, Khalid A, Smith J, Ferreira C, Mehra A and Sikiric MD (2022) Wave Attenuation by Vegetation: Model Implementation and Validation Study. Front. Built Environ. 8:891612. doi: 10.3389/fbuil.2022.891612
Deb, M, Abdolali, A, Kirby, JT and Shi, F., (2022), Hydrodynamic modeling of a complex salt marsh system: Importance of channel shoreline and bathymetric resolution, Coastal Engineering, 173, 104094,
Deb, M, Abdolali, A, Kirby, JT, Shi, F, Guiteras, S, McDowell, C. Sensitivity of tidal hydrodynamics to varying bathymetric configurations in a multi-inlet rapidly eroding salt marsh system: A numerical study. Earth Surf Process Landforms. 2021. Accepted Author Manuscript.
Williams, B., Kadri, U., & Abdolali, A. (2021). Acoustic–gravity waves from multi-fault rupture. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 915, A108. doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.101
Ali Abdolali, Andre van der Westhuysen, Zaizhong Ma, Avichal Mehra, Aron Roland and Saeed Moghimi (2021) Evaluating the Accuracy and Uncertainty of Atmospheric and Wave Model Hindcasts During Severe Events Using Model Ensembles, Ocean Dynamics.
Mokarram, M., Negahban, S., Abdolali, A. & Ghasemi, M. (2021), Using GIS-based order weight average (OWA) methods to predict suitable locations for the artificial recharge of groundwater. Environmental Earth Sciences 80, 428 (2021).
Ma, Z.; Liu, B.; Mehra, A.; Abdolali, A.; van der Westhuysen, A.; Moghimi, S.; Vinogradov, S.; Zhang, Z.; Zhu, L.; Wu, K.; Shrestha, R.; Kumar, A.; Tallapragada, V.; Kurkowski, N. Investigating the Impact of High-Resolution Land–Sea Masks on Hurricane Forecasts in HWRF. Atmosphere 2020, 11, 888. doi:10.3390/atmos11090888
Bakhtyar, R., Maitaria, K., Velissariou, P., Trimble, B., Mashriqui, H., Moghimi, S., Abdolali, A., Van der Westhuysen, A.J., Ma, Z., Clark, E.P. and Flowers, T. (2020). A new 1D/2D Coupled Modeling Approach for a Riverine‐Estuarine System under Storm Events: Application to Delaware River Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125, e2019JC015822.
Mokarram, M., Saber, A., Mohammadizadeh, P. and Abdolali A., Determination of artificial recharge location using analytic hierarchy process and Dempster–Shafer theory. Environmental Earth Sciences, 79, 241 (2020). doi: 10.1007/s12665-020-08994-5
Moghimi, S.; Van der Westhuysen, A.; Abdolali, A.; Myers, E.; Vinogradov, S.; Ma, Z.; Liu, F.; Mehra, A.; Kurkowski, N. Development of an ESMF Based Flexible Coupling Application of ADCIRC and WAVEWATCH III for High Fidelity Coastal Inundation Studies. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2020, 8, 308.
Abdolali A., Roland, A., Van Der Westhuysen, A., Meixner, J., Chawla, A., Hesser, T., Smith, J.M. and M. Dutour Sikiric (2020), Large-scale Hurricane Modeling Using Domain Decomposition Parallelization and Implicit Scheme Implemented in WAVEWATCH III Wave Model, Coastal Engineering, 157, 103656,
Abdolali, A., Kadri, U. & J.T. Kirby, 2019, Effect of Water Compressibility, Sea-floor Elasticity, and Field Gravitational Potential on Tsunami Phase Speed, Scientific Reports, Nature, doi:10.1038/s41598-019-52475-0
Abdolali, A., Kadri, U., Parsons, W., & Kirby, J., 2018, On the propagation of acoustic–gravity waves under elastic ice sheets. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 837, 640-656. doi:10.1017/jfm.2017.808
Abdolali, A., & Kirby, J. T., 2017, Role of compressibility on tsunami propagation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122. ‘read only’ version (Wiley subscribers will get full access)
P. Prestininzi, A. Abdolali, A. Montessori, J.T. Kirby, M.La Rocca, 2016, Lattice Boltzmann approach for hydro-acoustic waves generated by tsunamigenic sea bottom displacement, Ocean Modelling, Vol 107, Pages 14-20, ISSN 1463-5003 doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2016.09.012.
Abdolali, A., Kirby, J. T. and Bellotti, G., 2015, Depth-Integrated Equation of Hydroacoustic Waves in Weakly Compressible Fluid overlying Viscous Sediment, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 766, R1 doi:10.1017/jfm.2015.37
Abdolali, A., Cecioni, C., Bellotti, G. And Kirby, J. T., 2015, Hydro-acoustic and tsunami waves generated by the 2012 Haida Gwaii earthquake: modeling and in-situ measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research: Ocean, 120, doi:10.1002/ 2014JC010385. (Featured in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans Website)
Cecioni, C., A. Abdolali, G. Bellotti, and P. Sammarco, 2015, Large-scale numerical modeling of hydro-acoustic waves generated by tsunamigenic earthquakes, Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 15 (3), 627-636, doi:10.5194/nhess-15-627-2015.
Renzi, E., Abdolali, A., Bellotti, G. and Dias, F., 2014, Wave-power absorption from a finite array of Oscillating Wave Surge Converter. Journal of Renewable Energy, Volume 63, Pages 55–68. Doi:
Sammarco, P., Cecioni, C., Bellotti, G. and Abdolali, A., 2013, Depth-integrated equation for large-scale modelling of low-frequency hydroacoustic waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 722, R6 doi:10.1017/jfm.2013.153,May 2013.
Michele, S., Sammarco, P., d’Errico, M., Renzi, E., Abdolali, A., Bellotti, G., Dias, F., 2015, Flap gate farm: From Venice lagoon defense to resonating wave energy production. Part 2: Synchronous response to incident waves in open sea, Applied Ocean Research, Volume 52, August 2015, Pages 43-61, ISSN 0141-1187,
Cecioni, C., Bellotti, G., Romano, A., Abdolali, A., Sammarco, P., Franco, L., 2013, Tsunami Early Warning Systems Based on Real-Time Measurements of Hydroacoustic Waves" proceeding of 12th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI2013 doi: pdf
Alizadeh, M.J., Kolahdoozan, M., Tahershamsi, A., Abdolali, A., 2014, Experimental Study of the Performance of Floating Breakwaters with Heave Motion. Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal 47.1 pp 59-70. pdf
Abdolali A, Kolahdoozan M., 2012, Comparison of analytical methods of wave decomposition for evaluating reflection coefficient. Journal of Marine Engineering Vol. 7 (Issue 14) pp105-116 pdf (Farsi)
Guideline/Technical Notes
The WAVEWATCH III® Development Group (WW3DG), 2019: User manual and system documentation of WAVEWATCH III® version 6.07. Tech. Note 333, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/MMAB, College Park, MD, USA, 326 pp. + Appendices. Link
Moghimi, S., Vinogradov, S., Myers, E. P., Funakoshi, Y., Van der Westhuysen, A. J., Abdolali, A., Ma, Z., & Liu, F. (2019). Development of a flexible coupling interface for ADCIRC model for coastal inundation studies. NOAA technical memorandum NOS CS; 41,
Contreras, M.T., Woods, B., Blakely, C., Wirasaet, D., Westerink, J., Cobell, Z., Pringle, W., Moghimi, S., Vinogradov, S., Myers, E., Seroka, G., Lalime, M., Funakoshi, Y., Van der Westhuysen, A., Abdolali, A., Valseth, E., Dawson, C. (2023), A Channel-to-Basin Scale ADCIRC Based Hydrodynamic Unstructured Mesh Model for the US East and Gulf of Mexico Coasts; NOAA technical memorandum NOS CS ; 54,
Guideline for Hydrodynamic Analysis and Design of Floating Breakwaters (in Farsi), Port and Maritime Organization of Islamic Republic of Iran (PMO) 2013.
Deb, M., Abdolali, A., McDowell, C., Kirby, J. T., Sommerfield, C. and Shi, F., 2018, "Hydrodynamic, survey and sediment data collection. Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, Delaware'', Research Report No. CACR-18-03, Center for Applied Coastal Research, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21295.69282
Deb, M., Abdolali, A., Kirby, J. T. and Shi, F., 2018, "Hydrodynamics, sediment transport and wind waves in an eroding salt marsh environment. Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, Delaware'', Research Report No. CACR-18-04, Center for Applied Coastal Research, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20710.78407
Conference Proceeding
Abdolali, A., Cecioni, C., Bellotti, G. And Sammarco, P., 2014, A Depth-Integrated Equation For Large Scale Modeling Of Tsunami In Weakly Compressible Fluid, Coastal Engineering Proceedings, ASCE, 1(34), currents.9. doi: pdf
Abdolali A., Cecioni C., Kirby J., Sammarco P., Bellotti G. and Franco L., 2015, Numerical Modeling of Low Frequency Hydro-acoustic Waves Generated By Submarine Tsunamigenic Earthquake, 4th Tsunami and Safety Symposium at ISOPE-2015, Kona, Big Island, Hawaii, June 21-26, 2015. Pdf
Abdolali, A., Kirby, J.T., Bellotti, G., Grilli, S., Harris, J.C., 2015, Hydro-acoustic Wave Generation During the Tohoku-oki 2011 Earthquake, Coastal Structures and Solutions to Coastal Disasters joint conference, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, September 9-11, 2015. pdf
Abdolali, A., Kirby, J. T. and Bellotti, G, 2014, Formation of Hydro-acoustic Waves in Dissipative Coupled Weakly Compressible Fluids, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 2014. poster
Abdolali, A., Kirby, J. T., Bellotti, G., ‘’Numerical modeling of hydro-acoustic waves in weakly compressible fluid’’. Young Coastal Scientist and Engineers Conference-North America. 9-11 July, 2014, Newark, DE, USA pdf
Renzi, E., Abdolali, A., Bellotti, G. and Dias, F., 2012, Mathematical Modeling of the Oscillating Wave Surge Converter, XXXIII Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, IDRA, Sep, 2012, Brescia, Italy. pdf
Abdolali, A., Franco, L., Bellotti, G. and Kolahdoozan, M., 2012, Hydraulic and numerical modeling of the performance of Pi-type Floating Breakwaters, proceeding of 10th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures ICOPMAS 2012, Tehran, Iran. pdf
Abdolali. A, Kolahdoozan. M, Jandaghi Alaee. M and Allahyar M.R., 2012, On the Comparison of Analytical Methods Using for the Decomposition of Wave Charateristics, Proceeding of PIANC COPEDEC Conference, Madres, India, February, 2012 pdf
Alizadeh. M.J, Kolahdoozan. M, Abdolali. A and Tahershamsi. A., 2012, Experimental study on the performance of floating breakwater with attached plate, 9ICCE (9th International Congress on Civil Engineering) pdf
Abdolali, A, Kolahdoozan. M, Jandaghi Alaee, 2011, Guide line: feasibility of using floating breakwater for providing appropriate hydrodynamic condition in harbors- Iranian Seas (in Farsi), Port and Maritime Organization of Iran (PMO).
Abdolali, A., Kirby, J. T., Bellotti, G., Franco, L., 2014, Hydro-acoustic Wave Propagation through Two Layered System, 11th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures ICOPMAS November, 2014, Tehran, Iran pdf
Cecioni, C., Abdolali, A., Bellotti, G., and Sammarco, P., 2014, Modello di larga scala per la generazione e propagazione di onde di maremoto in fluidi debolmente comprimibili, XXXIV Convegno Nazionale di Idraulica e Costruzioni Idrauliche, IDRA, Sep, 2014, Bari, Italy (in Italian).
Bellotti, G., Cecioni, C., Romano, A., Abdolali, A., Sammarco, P. and Franco, L., 2013, Tsunami Early Warning Systems Based On Real Time Measurements of Hydro-acoustic Waves. International Tsunami Symposium, Gocek, Turkey, Sep. 2013.
Abdolali, A. and Kirby, J.T., 2015, Propagation of low-frequency hydro-acoustic waves over a finite barrier, 2nd Young Coastal Scientist and Engineers Conference-North America. 27-29 July, 2015, Newark, DE, USA pdf
Kirby, J.T., Abdolali, A., Shi, F. and Wu, G., 2015, Modeled and measured circulation in a complex tidal salt marsh. Coastal & Estuarine Research Federation (CERF2015), Session: "Hydrodynamics and Sediment Dynamics in Estuaries and Coastal Seas” 8-12 November, Portland Oregon, USA pdf
Prestininzi P., Abdolali A., Montessori A. and Kirby J. T., 2016, Hydroacoustic simulation of tsunami waves by Lattice Boltzmann Model (ICCE 2016), International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE 17-32 July, Istanbul, Turkey pdf
Abdolali, A., Kirby, J.T., Shi, F., Wu, G., Sommerfield, C.K. and Mcdowell, C., 2016, An overview of the NFWF Post-Sandy Bombay Hook project: Numerical modeling and in-situ measurements, 2016, Delaware Wetlands Conference, 3-4 February, Wilmington, DE pdf
Deb, M., Abdolali, A., Kirby, J.T. and Shi, F., 2016, Modeling wind waves in a confined tidal flat area: Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, Delaware, 2016, Delaware Wetlands Conference, 3-4 February, Wilmington, DE pdf
Shi, F., Kirby, J. T., Wu, G., Abdolali, A. and Deb, M., Subgrid Modeling Geomorphological and Ecological Processes in Salt Marsh Evolution in Delaware, 2016, Delaware Wetlands Conference, 3-4 February, Wilmington, DE Pster
Abdolali, A., Kirby, J.T., Shi, F., 2016, Field and modeling studies of salt marshes in Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, Kent County, Delaware, 14th Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Conference (ECM14), Kingston, Rhode Island, June 13-15, 2016. pdf
Deb, M., Abdolali, A., Kirby, J.T. and Shi, F., 2016, Salt marsh response to wind waves in a confined tidal flat: Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, Delaware, 14th Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Conference (ECM14), Kingston, Rhode Island, June 13-15, 2016. pdf
Abdolali, A., Guiteras, S., Callahan, J., Kirby, J.T., Shi, F. and Mitchell, L., 2016, Vegetation Bias Correction in Tidal Salt Marsh Lidar Data Sets with Artificial Neural Networks (RAETCS16) Restore America’s Estuaries 8th National Summit on Coastal and Estuarine Restoration and 25th Biennial Meeting of The Coastal Society, December 10-15, 2016 New Orleans, LA, USA. Poster
Abdolali, A., J., Kirby, J.T., Shi, F., Guiteras, S. and Deb, M., 2016, Field and modeling studies of salt marshes in Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge in Delaware, (RAETCS16) Restore America’s Estuaries 8th National Summit on Coastal and Estuarine Restoration and 25th Biennial Meeting of The Coastal Society, December 10-15, 2016 New Orleans, LA, USA Poster
Abdolali, A., Kadri, U., and Kirby, J. T., 2016, Acoustic Gravity Waves Generated by an Oscillating Ice Sheet in Arctic Zone, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 2016. pdf
Shi, F., Kirby, J.T., Wu, G., Abdolali, A. and Deb, M., 2016, Subgrid Modeling Geomorphological and Ecological Processes in Salt Marsh Evolution, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 2016. pdf
P. Prestininzi, A. Abdolali, A. Montessori, J.T. Kirby, M.La Rocca, Direct Simulation of Ocean Hydro-acoustic Waves with the Lattice Boltzmann Method, ISOPE-2017 San Francisco, California, USA June 25 - 30, 2017 pdf
Kadri, U., Abdolali, A. and Kirby, J. T., 2017, Propagation of acoustic-gravity waves in arctic zones with elastic ice-sheets, European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2017, Vienna | Austria | 23–28 April 2017 pdf
Saeed Moghimi, Sergey Vinogradov, Edward Myers, Ali Abdolali, Andre Van der Westhuysen, Yuji Funakoshi, Fei Liu and Chris Massey,2017, Effects of waves on storm surge inundation using flexible coupling framework, Coastal Ocean Dynamics, Gordon Research Conference (GRC), Biddeford, ME, June 11-16 2017 pdf
S. Moghimi, A. Van der Westhuysen, A. Abdolali, Z. Ma, S. V. Vinogradov, Y. Funakoshi, E. Myres, A. Chawla, J. Meixner, and A. Mehra and F. Liu, Modeling of Storm-Induced Hurricanes Inundation through a Comprehensive Flexible Coupling Framework, 98th AMS Annual Meeting - American Meteorological Society; 16th Symposium on the Coastal Environment; Session: Flood Resilience - End-To-End Predictive Model Architectures, Morphing from Research to Operations to Applications and Services, Austin, Texas, USA, 7-11 January 2018. ppt, pdf
A. Abdolali, A. Roland, A. Van der Westhuysen, Z. Ma and A. Chawla, Wind Wave Modeling of Storm-Induced Hurricanes Using Implicit Scheme in WAVEWATCH III Model Over Large Scale Resolved Bathymetries, Modeling of Storm-Induced Hurricanes Inundation through a Comprehensive Flexible Coupling Framework, 98th AMS Annual Meeting - American Meteorological Society; 16th Symposium on the Coastal Environment; Session: High-Performance Computing Applications in the Coastal Zone, Austin, Texas, USA, 7-11 January 2018 pdf
A. Abdolali and J. T. Kirby, Tsunami Wave Speed Reduction due to Water Compressibility, 36th International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE2018), ASCE July 30–August 3, 2018, Baltimore, USA.
M. Deb, J. T. Kirby, A. Abdolali and F. Shi, Sub-grid modeling of coupled hydrodynamic, vegetative and morphodynamic processes in a salt marsh environment, 36th International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE2018), ASCE July 30–August 3, 2018, Baltimore, USA. pdf
J. M. Smith, T. Hesser, M. A. Bryant, A. Roland, A. Chawla, A. Abdolali, H. Alves and A. Van Der Westhuysen, Validation Of Unstructured Wavewatch III For Nearshore Waves, 36th International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE2018), ASCE July 30–August 3, 2018, Baltimore, USA.
Hendrick Tolman, Nicole Kurkowski, Andre Van der Westhuysen, Saeed Moghimi, Ali Abdolali, Zaizhong Ma, Sergey Vinogradov, Jessica Meixner, Yuji Funakoshi, Ed Myers, Arun Chawla, Avichal Mehra, F Liu, The US COASTAL Act, 1st International Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges, and Coastal Hazards; Liverpool, UK, September 10 –15, 2017.
M. Deb, J.T. Kirby, A. Abdolali and F. Shi, 2017, Hydrodynamics of an eroding salt marsh environment, Session: Observing and modeling wetland estuarine exchanges and interactions State of knowledge challenges and future directions, Ocean Science 2018, 11-16 February 2018, Portland, Oregon, US pdf
S. Moghimi, A. Abdolali, S. Vinogradov, A. Van der Westhuysen, E. Myers Y. Funakoshi, A. Chawla and N. Kurkowski, 2018, The Role of Storm Generated Wind Waves on Total Water Level: Hurricane Irma, Ocean Science 2018, 11-16 February 2018, Portland, Oregon, US
S. Moghimi, A. Van der Westhuysen, A. Abdolali, Z. Ma, S. V. Vinogradov, Y. Funakoshi, E. Myres, A. Chawla, J. Meixner, and A. Mehra, F. Liu, 2018, Modeling of Storm-Induced Hurricanes Inundation through a Comprehensive Flexible Coupling Framework, Session: Flood Resilience - End-To-End Predictive Model Architectures, Morphing from Research to Operations to Applications and Services, Ocean Science 2018, 11-16 February 2018, Portland, Oregon, US.
M. Deb, J. T. Kirby, A. Abdolali and F. Shi, Flow hydrodynamics in an erosive salt marsh environment:
Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, DE, 2018, Delaware Wetlands Conference, January 31- February 1, 2018, Wilmington, DE
Edward Myers, E.J. Van Den Ameele, Saeed Moghimi, Sergey Vinogradov, Lei Shi , Ali Abdolali, Andre Van der Westhuysen, Zaizhong Ma, Arun Chawla, Audra Luscher, Patrick Burke, Derrick Snowden , Hassan Mashriqui, Trey Flowers, Nicole Kurkowski, Total Water Level Prediction for Compound Inland and Coastal Flooding, 15th Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Conference (EMC15), June 2018, Seattle University, Seattle, WA
Saeed Moghimi, Edward Myers, Sergey Vinogradov, Lei Shi, Ali Abdolali, Andre Van der Westhuysen, Zaizhong Ma, Arun Chawla, Hassan Mashriqui, Trey Flowers, Nicole Kurkowski (2008), High Fidelity Compound Inland and Coastal Flood Inundation Studies through a Flexible Coupling Framework (2018), 15th Estuarine and Coastal Modeling Conference (EMC15), June 2018, Seattle University, Seattle, WA
Fabien Leckler, Aron Roland, Ali Abdolali, Mathieu Dutour, Héloïse Michaud and Guillaume Dodet, High-resolution modeling of near-shore wave processes using the implicit unstructured WAVEWATCH III, 10th- International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean (IWMO), June 25-29 2018, Santos, Brazil pdf
Ali Abdolali, Aron Roland, Andre van der Westhuysen, Arun Chawla, Saeed Moghimi, Sergey Vinogradov, On the comparison of Implicit with Explicit Schemes in Wave Watch III, 99th AMS Annual Meeting 6–10 January 2019, Phoenix, AZ. pdf
Andre van der Westhuysen, Ali Abdolali, Saeed Moghimi, Sergey Vinogradov, Coupling of WAVEWATCH III and ADCIRC using the NUOPC/ESMF framework, 99th AMS Annual Meeting 6–10 January 2019, Phoenix, AZ. pdf
Saeed Moghimi, Edward Myers, Sergey Vinogradov, Lei Shi, Ali Abdolali, Andre van der Westhuysen, Zaizhong Ma, Arun Chawla, Hasan Mashriqui, Trey Flowers, Nicole P. Kurkowski, Compound Inland and Coastal Flood Inundation Studies Using the NUOPC/ESMF Framework, 99th AMS Annual Meeting 6–10 January 2019, Phoenix, AZ. pdf
Saeed Moghimi, Edward Myers, Sergey Vinogradov, Andre Van der Westhuysen, Ali Abdolali, Lei Shi, Zaizhong Ma, Arun Chawla, Hassan Mashriqui, Trey Flowers, Nicole Kurkowski, Application of ESMF/NUOPC coupled framework for total water level studies, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington D.C., Dec. 2018. pdf
K. Maitaria, R. Bakhtyar, P. Velissariou, B. Trimble, T. Flowers, H. Mashriqui, F. L. Ogden, A. J. Van der Westhuysen, S. Moghimi, A. Abdolali and N.P. Kurkowski, 1D and 2D Hydrodynamic Modeling of Riverine-Estuary System under Extreme Storms: A Case Study of Delaware River Basin, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington D.C., Dec. 2018. pdf
Roham Bakhtyar, Kazungu Maitaria, Panagiotis Velissariou, Trey Flowers, Hassan Mashriqui, Graeme Aggett, A. J. Van der Westhuysen, S. Moghimi, A. Abdolali, A Coupled Ocean, Wave, Hydrologic, Riverine Flow Model for Delaware Bay/River Basin: Analysis of Hurricanes Irene, Isabel and Sandy, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington D.C., Dec. 2018.
U. Kadri, A. Abdolali and J. T. Kirby, Effect of sea-bottom elasticity on acoustic-gravity waves from submarine earthquakes, 2018 South China Sea Tsunami Workshop 10 (SCSTW10), 10-11 October 2018, National University of Singapore, 119077. pdf
Deb, M., Kirby, J. T., Abdolali, A. and Shi, F., 2018, "Treatment of artificial ponding in numerical simulation of salt marsh hydrodynamics", submitted for the AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC, Dec. 10-14, pdf
Saeed Moghimi , Edward Myers, Sergey Vinogradov, Lei Shi, Yuji Funakoshi,Neeraj Saraf, Patrick Burke, Derrick Snowden, Andre Van der Westhuysen, Ali Abdolali , Zaizhong Ma, Arun Chawla, Jessica Meixner, Avichal Mehra, Hassan Mashriqui, Trey Flowers, Nicole Kurkowski, Fei Liu, "Compound Inland and Coastal Flood Inundation Studies Using NUOPC/ESMF Framework", 2018 NOAA General Modeling Meeting and Fair, September 10-12, 2018 , College Park, MD (Outstanding Model Visualization Award presented by NOAA's Unified Modeling Committee) poster
Moghimi, S., Myers, E., Vinogradov, S., Van der Westhuysen, A., Abdolali, A., Liu, F., Shi, L., Funakoshi, Y., Calzada, J., Zheng, L., Zhang, A., Urizar, C., Lindley, C., Ma, Z., Bakhtyar, R., Velissariou, P., Maitaria, K., Trimble, B., Mashriqui, H., Flowers, T., Burke, P., DeLuca, C., Chawla, A., Mehra, A., Snowden, D., Kurkowski, N., Powel, J., and Saraf, N., 2019, Development of a coupled coastal circulation and inland hydrology modeling framework based on ESMF/NUOPC infrastructure, OceanPredict ’19, GODAE OceanView Symposium, 6-10 May 2019, Halifax Convention Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada pdf
A. Abdolali, Roland, A., Van Der Westhuysen, A., Meixner, J.., Chawla, A., Hesser, T. and J. M. Smith (2019), Towards Alignment of Computational Efficiency and Accuracy of WAVEWATCH III, 26th meeting on Waves In the Shallow water Environment, Jyozankei (定山渓), Hokkaido, Japan, 12-16 May 2019 poster.
J.M. Smith, Hesser, T., Bryant, M. A., Roland, A., Abdolali, A., Chawla, A., Alves, J.H. and A. Van Der Westhuysen (2019), Unstructured WAVEWATCH III Applied for Nearshore Waves, 26th meeting on Waves In the Shallow water Environment, Jyozankei (定山渓), Hokkaido, Japan, 12-16 May 2019. ppt
Ali Abdolali, Andre Van Der Westhuysen, Saeed Moghimi, Aron Roland, Zaizhong Ma, Avichal Mehra, Arun Chawla, Sergey Vinogradov, Edward Myers, Nicole Kurkowski (2019), Determination of model accuracy and uncertainties during severe events using point observations, satellite data and model ensembles, 2nd Int. Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges & Coast Hazards, Melbourne, Australia, 10–15 November 2019 pdf.
Andre van der Westhuysen, Saeed Moghimi, Ali Abdolali, Sergey Vinogradov, Zaizhong Ma, Edward Myers (2019), High-Fidelity Coastal Coupling of WAVEWATCH III and ADCIRC using an ESMF-based framework, 2nd Int. Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges & Coast Hazards, Melbourne, Australia, 10–15 November 2019 pdf.
Saeed Moghimi, Edward Myers, Sergey Vinogradov, Lei Shi, Joannes Westerink, Kendra Dresback, Christine Szpilka, Randall Kolar, Joseph Zhang, Fei Ye, Andre Van der Westhuysen, Zizang Yang, Jaime Calzada, Ali Abdolali, Roham Bakhtyar, Panagiotis Velissariou, Kazungu Maitaria, Beheen Trimble, Trey Flowers, Patrick Burke, Cecelia DeLuca, Nicole Kurkowski, Hendrik Tolman, Derrick Snowden, Julia Powell, Neeraj Saraf (2019), Towards coupling coastal ocean models to inland hydrology at NOAA National Ocean Service, 2nd Int. Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges & Coast Hazards, Melbourne, Australia, 10–15 November 2019 pdf.
Smith, J.M., Bryant, M.A., Hesser, T., Dillon, C., Abdolali, A. and Roland, A., Modeling of Wave Interaction with Natural and Nature-Based Features, 2nd Int. Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges & Coast Hazards, Melbourne, Australia, 10–15 November 2019.
Westerink et. al, Multi-physics Coastal Storm Surge Modeling in Alaska in Highly Fractured Ice Scenarios, 2nd Int. Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges & Coast Hazards, Melbourne, Australia, 10–15 November 2019.
William Pringle, Joannes J. Westerink, Keith Roberts, Damrongsak Wirasaet, Maria Teresa Contreras Vargas, Edward Myers, Saeed Moghimi, Sergey Vinogradov, Andre van der Westhuysen, Ali Abdolali (2019), High-Resolution global coastal flood forecasting across the power spectral density function from 10E-2 to 10E2 cpd, The 18th International workshop on Multi-scale (Un)-structured mesh numerical Modeling for coastal, shelf, and global ocean dynamics (IMUM 2019) will be held in historic Santa Fe, New Mexico, September 24- 27, 2019 pdf.
Roham Bakhtyar, P. Velissariou, Kazungu Maitaria, Beheen Trimble, Trey Flowers, Hassan Mashriqui, Saeed Moghimi, Ali Abdolali, Andre Van der Westhuysen, Graeme R Aggett and Edward P Clark (2019), Regional-Scale Hydrologic and Hydrodynamic Modeling of a Riverine-Estuarine System under Extreme Storms: Application to U.S. East Coast, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 9-13.
Panagiotis Velissariou, Kazungu Maitaria,, Chris Amante, Hassan Mashriqui, Roham Bakhtyar, Zaizhong Ma, Ali Abdolali, Saeed Moghimi, Andre Van der Westhuysen, Graeme R Aggett, and Trey Flowers (2019), Predicting Compound Flooding in Low-Lying Coastal Areas Produced by Tropical Storms, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 9-13.
Maria Contreras, Joannes Westerink, Damrongsak Wirasaet, William Pringle, Edward Payson, Myers, Saeed Moghimi, Sergey Vinogradov, Ali Abdolali, Andre Van der Westhuysen (2019), Developing high-resolution channel to basin-scale unstructured grid hydrodynamic models for tide-storm predictions in the US East and Gulf of Mexico Coasts, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 9-13.
Ali Abdolali, M. Schneider, A. J. Van der Westhuysen, Z. Ma, and A. Mehra (2020), Statistical Analysis of HWRF Errors for Accuracy Assessment of Coupled Hydrodynamic Modelling Systems, 100th AMS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, January 12-16 pdf.
Ali Abdolali, Aron Roland, Andre Van Der Westhuysen, Max Schneider, Saeed Moghimi, Zaizhong Ma, Avichal Mehra, Arun Chawla, Nicole Kurkowski, Mathieu Dutour Sikiric (2020), WAVEWATCH III Accuracy and Efficiency within Coupling Framework, 100th AMS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, January 12-16 pdf.
Maria Contreras, Joannes Westerink, William Pringle, Damrongsak Wirasaet, Keith Roberts, Edward Myers, Saeed Moghimi, Sergey Vinogradov, Andre van der Westhuysen, Ali Abdolali (2020), Advanced hydrodynamic models for tide and storm predictions: A high-resolution channel to basin-scale unstructured grid for the US East and Gulf of Mexico Coasts, 100th AMS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, January 12-16 pdf.
R. Bakhtyar, P. Velissariou, K. Maitaria, B. Trimble, T. Flowers, H. Mashriqui, S. Moghimi, A. Abdolali, A.J. Van der Westhuysen, E.P. Clark (2020), Compound Simulation of Riverine Freshwater and Storm Tides in the U.S. East Coast under Tropical Cyclones: Application to Hurricanes Sandy and Isabel, 100th AMS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, January 12-16 pdf.
Saeed Moghimi, Edward Myers, Sergey Vinogradov, Lei Shi, Zizang Yang, Joseph Zhang, Fei Ye, Joannes Westerink, Maria Teresa Contreras-Vargas, Kendra Dresback, Christine Szpilka, Andre Van der Westhuysen, Jaime Calzada, Ali Abdolali, Roham Bakhtyar, Panagiotis Velissariou, Kazungu Maitaria, Brian Blanton, Changsheng Chen, Jianhua Qi, John Wilkin, Hernan Arango, Audra Luscher, Patrick Burke, Cecelia DeLuca, Trey Flowers, Nicole Kurkowski, Derrick Snowden, Julia Powell, Neeraj Saraf (2020), Investigating freshwater and coastal circulation interaction for extreme events, 100th AMS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, January 12-16 pdf.
Pringle, W., Westerink, J.J, Roberts, K., Wirasaet, D., Contreras Vargas, M.T., Myers, E., Moghimi, S., Vinogradov, S., Van der Westhuysen, A., Abdolali, A. (2020), High-Resolution global coastal flood forecasting across the power spectral density function from 10e–2 to 10e2 cpd, 100th AMS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, January 12-16
Ling, G., Wirasaet, D., Westerink, J., Richter, D. H., Joyce, B., Pringle, W., Contreras Vargas, M. T., Steffen, K. R., Dawson, C. N., Fujisaki-Manome, A., Myers E., Moghimi, S., Vinogradov, S. V., Van der Westhuysen A. Abdolali, A. & Grumbine, R. (2020), Studies on Parameterizations of Sea Ice Effect in a Storm Surge Model for Western Alaska, 100th AMS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, January 12-16
R. Bakhtyar, K. Maitaria, P. Velissariou, B. Trimble, T. Flowers, S. Moghimi, A. Abdolali, H. Mashriqui, A. J. Van der Westhuysen, G. Aggett, E.P. Clark, (2020), Characterizing Compound Coastal-Riverine Behavior along the U.S. East Coast using a Coupled Hydrologic-Hydrodynamic Model, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 16-21 February 2020 in San Diego, CA, US pdf
S. Moghimi, E. Myers, S. Vinogradov, B. Trimble, J. Zhang, F. Ye, J. Calzada, A. Van der Westhuysen, Y. Funakoshi, R. Bakhtyar, K. Maitaria, A. Abdolali, D. Rosen, C. Lemmen (2020), A flexible infrastructure for coastal ocean and inland hydrology models coupling, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 16-21 February 2020 in San Diego, CA, US pdf
M. Deb, J. T. Kirby, A. Abdolali and F. Shi (2020), Eliminating the effect of artificial ponding in salt marsh flooding and draining, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 16-21 February 2020 in San Diego, CA, US. iPoster
P. Velissariou, R. Bakhtyar, H. Mashriqui, K. Maitaria, B. Trimble, A. Abdolali, S. Moghimi, A. Van der Westhuysen, G. R. Aggett and T. Flowers (2020), Analysis and Evaluation of Flooding Predictions in the Transition Zone Using a State of the Art Coupled Hydrologic/Hydrodynamic Modeling System, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 16-21 February 2020 in San Diego, CA, US. pdf
T. Hesser, M. Anderson Bryant, A. Abdolali, A. Roland and J. M. Smith (2020), Modeling nearshore storm waves with unstructured implicit WAVEWATCH III in Duck, NC, Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020, 16-21 February 2020 in San Diego, CA, US. iPoster
J. M. Smith, T. Hesser, A. Abdolali, M. Anderson Bryant and A. Roland (2020), Advances in the Unstructured WAVEWATCH III and Application to Hurricane Dorian, 37th International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE2020), ASCE 13-18 September 2020, Sydney, USA. pdf
Deb, M., Abdolali, A., Kirby J.T., Shi, F. \& Guiteras, S. (2020), Increased Tidal Asymmetry from Anthropogenic and Natural Changes in a Wetland System: Bombay Hook NWR, DE, Delaware Wetlands Conference, January 29- 30, 2020, Wilmington, DE, doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.21686.24647
S. Moghimi, E. Myers, S. Vinogradov, A. Van der Westhuysen, B. Trimble, A. Abdolali, J. Calzada, Y. Funakoshi, P. Velissariou, J. Westerink, D. Wirasaet, M. T. Contreras-Vargas, W. Pringle, J. Zhang, F. Ye, W. Huang, K. Dresback, C. Szpilka, C. Chen, J. Qi, A. Fujisaki, R. Dunlap, S. Pe’eri (2020), Coastal ocean model coupling applications at the NOAA Office of Coast Survey: Future plans and recent advances, Unified Forecast System (UFS) Users' Workshop, July 27 - 29 2020 (Virtual). pdf
J. Westerink, W. Pringle, D. Wirasaet, M. T. Contreras Vargas, C. Blakely, G. Ling, B. Woods, E. Myers, S. Vinogradov, S. Moghimi, A. van der Westhuysen, A. Abdolali (2020), Model Coupling (Land/Hydrology, Waves, Sea Ice, and Ocean), Unified Forecast System (UFS) Users' Workshop, July 27 - 29 2020 (Virtual). pdf
F. Yang, V. Tallapragada, D. Kleist, A. Chalwa, J. Levit, R. Treadon, J. Whitaker, J. Kain, L. Harris, J. Bao, J. Wang, G. Gayno, J. Han, W. Zheng, H. Wei, S. Moorthi, V. Yudin, R. Sun, L. Zhou, A. Chen, R. Yang, X. Wu, X. Zhou, H. Alves, J. Meixner, A. Abdolali, C. Thomas, C. Martin, W. Wu, K. Bathmann, P. Peigion, A. Collard, X. Li, H. Liu, Y. Zhu, X. Su, S. Melchior, W. Meng, H. Chuang, B. Vuong, M. Row, G. Lou, Y. Ma, J. Peng, D. Spindler, R. Padilla, G. Manikin, A. Bentley, L. Dawson, K. Friedman, M. Iredell, H. Lei, E. Rogers, G. Vandenberghe, J. Abeles, G. Theurich, E. Hartnett, R. Benson, F. Adimi (2020), GFSv16: Further Advancements to the UFS Medium Range Weather Application in 2021, Unified Forecast System (UFS) Users' Workshop, July 27 - 29 2020 (Virtual)
Aron Roland, Jane Smith, Ali Abdolali, Tyler Hesser & Heloise Michaud, On the improvement of operational downscaling in spectral wave models, ECMWF annual meeting (virtual), 14-18 September 2020, presentation video
Autumn Poisson, Ali Abdolali, Andre Jaco Van der Westhuysen, Zaizhong Ma, Saeed Moghimi, Avichal Mehra (2020), Large Scale Unstructured WAVEWATCH III for Hurricane Hindcasts: Offshore and Nearshore Validation, AGU Fall Meeting, everywhere, Dec. 1-17. link
Hassan Mashriqui, Sadiq Khan, Beheen Trimble, Jon Aleen, Ryan Grout, Trey Flowers, Ali Abdolali, Saeed Moghimi, Andre Jaco Van der Westhuysen, Edward P Clark (2020), Complex Numerical Simulation of the U.S. East Coast and Inland Areas using a Coupled Hydrologic, Hydrodynamic and Ocean model: Application to Hurricane Sandy, AGU Fall Meeting, everywhere, Dec. 1-17. link
Ali Abdolali, William Pringle and Aron Roland (2020), Assessment of global wave models on unstructured domains, AGU Fall Meeting, everywhere, Dec. 1-17. link
Js Allen, Sadiq Khan, Hassan Mashriqui, Beheen Trimble, Ryan Grout, Trey Flowers, Ali Abdolali, Saeed Moghimi, Andre Jaco Van der Westhuysen, Graeme R Aggett (2020), Development of an Ocean-Coupled Hydrologic-Hydrodynamic Nearshore Model for the US Gulf of Mexico and Storm-Surge Hindcast Simulation of Hurricane Ike, AGU Fall Meeting, everywhere, Dec. 1-17. link
Ali Abdolali, A. Roland, T. Hesser, A. Khalid, A. van der Westhuysen, J. M. Smith, A. Mehra, S. Moghimi, and C. Ferreira (2021), Advances in the Unstructured WAVEWATCH III and Nearshore Physics, 101th AMS Annual Meeting (Virtual), January 10-15. link
A. van der Westhuysen, A. Abdolali, S. Moghimi, Z. Ma, and E. Myers (2021), High-Resolution Hurricane Hindcasts with a Coupled WAVEWATCH III and ADCIRC Model, 101th AMS Annual Meeting (Virtual), January 10-15. link
J. H. G. Alves, H. Tolman, A. Roland, A. Abdolali, F. Ardhuin, and G. Mann (2021), NCEP’s Great Lakes Wave Prediction System: An Incubator for Accelerating the Transition of Innovations to Operations, 101th AMS Annual Meeting (Virtual), January 10-15. link
Ali Abdolali, Usama Kadri, Bernabe Gomez, Byron Williams, James T. Kirby (2021), An Efficient Tsunami Arrival Time Estimator Coupled to Acoustic Gravity Wave Multi-Fault Rupture solution, AGU fall meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA, Dec 12-17 link
Panagiotis Velissariou, Saeed Moghimi, Zachary Burnett, Andre Jaco Van der Westhuysen, Joseph Zhang, Carsten Lemmen, Guoming Ling, Damrongsak Wirasaet, Ali Abdolali, Edward Payson Myers III and Shachak Peeri (2021), CoastalApp: The Extensible Coupled Multi-Model-Component Framework For Coastal and Regional Modeling Applications, AGU fall meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA, Dec 12-17 link
Henok Kefelegn, Hassan Mashriqui, Js Allen, Jason Ducker, Ryan Grout, Richard Gibbs, Julio Zyserman, Saeed Moghimi, Ali Abdolali, Andre Jaco Van der Westhuysen, Trey Flowers and Edward P Clark (2021), Development of a Continental Scale Coastal Flood Model Using a Sub-Setting Approach, AGU fall meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA, Dec 12-17 link
Jake Campbell, Ali Abdolali, Matthew Masarik, and Avichal Mehra (2021), Statistical Analysis for WAVEWATCH III Model Optimization Tools, AGU fall meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA, Dec 12-17 link
Ali Abdolali, Anil Kumar, Zaizhong Ma, Roshan K Shrestha, Andre Jaco Van der Westhuysen, Saeed Moghimi, Ryan Grout, Julio Zyserman, Avichal Mehra, Maoyi Huang and Athena P Clark (2021), The US COASTAL Act, the end-to-end workflow, AGU fall meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA, Dec 12-17 link
Anil Kumar, Avichal Mehra, Zaizhong Ma, Roshan K Shrestha, Andre Jaco Van der Westhuysen, Ali Abdolali, Saeed Moghimi and Maoyi Huang (2021), Atmospheric Downscaling (Parcel-scale) Modeling Framework for NOAA’s Coastal-Act: Development, Implementation and Validation Challenges, AGU fall meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA, Dec 12-17 link
Ali Abdolali, Matthew Masarik and Avichal Mehra (2022), Wave model physics optimization, Ocean Science Meeting 2022, 22 February-4 March (Virtual).
Avichal Mehra, Ali Abdolali, Andre Westhuysen, Anil Kumar, Roshan Shrestha and Zaizhong Ma (2022) Named Storm Event Model (NSEM) -- A Hindcast Modeling System for Assessing Coastal Impacts from a Landfalling Tropical Storm, Ocean Science Meeting 2022, 22 February-4 March (Virtual).
Saeideh Banihashemi, Andre Van der Westhuysen, Ali Abdolali, Dan Titze, Dmitry Beletsky, Jesse Feyen, Greg Mann, Great Lakes Wave Prediction System: Inclusion of Lake Champlain into the operational setup and sensitivity analysis to grid resolution, Ocean Science Meeting 2022, 22 February-4 March (Virtual).
Aron Roland, Mathieu Dutour Sikirice, Ali Abdolali, Tyler Hesser, Mary Bryant, Jane Smith, Héloïse Michaud, Lorenzo Mentaschi, Michalis Vousdoukas, Avichal Mehra, Arun Chawla, Joanna Staneva, Mario Ricchiuto and Ulrich Zanke (2022), Improving downscaling efficiency of WW3 modeling Framework, Ocean Science Meeting 2022, 22 February-4 March (Virtual).
Saeed Moghimi, Panagiotis Velissariou, Zachary Burnett, Andre Van der Westhuysen, Edward Myers, Ali Abdolali, Avichal Mehra, Guoming Ling, Damrongsak Wirasaet, Joannes Westerink, Ayumi Fujisaki-Manome, Y. Joseph Zhang, Carsten Lemmen, Jianhua Qi, Changsheng Chen, Jason Ducker, Julio Zysermanand Rocky Dunlap (2022), CoastalApp: An ESMF/NUOPC Based Coupling Infrastructure Developed in Partnership with Coastal Ocean Modeling Community, Ocean Science Meeting 2022, 22 February-4 March (Virtual).
Angelos Papandreou, Isaac Ginis, Tetsu Hara, Ali Abdolali and Saeed moghimi (2022) Coupled simulations of storm surge and surface waves under hurricanes, Ocean Science Meeting 2022, 22 February-4 March (Virtual).
Saeed Moghimi, Yuji Funakoshi, Soroosh Mani, Gregory Seroka, Panagiotis Velissariou, Zachary Burnett, William James Pringle, Zizang Yang, Edward Myers, Shachak Pe'eri, Khachik Sargsyan, Joannes Westerink, Maria Teresa Contreras-Vargas, Guoming Ling, Coleman Blakely, Yinglong Joseph Zhang, Carsten Lemmen, Linlin Cui, Jaime Calzada, Jesse Lopez, Jianhua Qi, Changsheng Chen, Rocky Dunlap, Ali Abdolali, Andre Jaco van der Westhuysen, Ayumi Fujisaki-Manome, Tim MacLaughlin, Leland Snyder, Tim Cockerill, Joe Stubbs and Cody Hammock (2022), An Update on the Recent Coastal Ocean Modeling Infrastructure Development at NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey, 102nd AMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, January 23-27, link
Anil Kumar, Avichal Mehra, Zaizhong Ma, Roshan K. Shrestha, Andre Jaco van der Westhuysen, Ali Abdolali and Saeed Moghimi (2022) The (Parcel-Scale) Wind Downscaling for NOAA’s COASTAL Act Project: Hurricane Michael (2018) and Hurricane Irma (2017) Case Studies, 102nd AMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, January 23-27, link
Avichal Mehra, Vijay S. Tallapragada, Lydia Stefanova, Jessica Meixner, Jiande Wang, Denise Worthen, Shrinivas Moorthi, Jun Wang, Fanglin Yang, Ali Abdolali, Bin Li, Jian Kuang, Weizhong Zheng, Wei Li, Partha S. Bhattacharjee, Jongil Han, Robert Grumbine and Arun Chawla (2022) Development of Fully Coupled UFS-Based Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Prototypes, 102nd AMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, January 23-27, link
Jake Campbell, Ali Abdolali, Matthew Masarik, and Avichal Mehra (2022), Statistical Analysis for WAVEWATCH III Model Optimization Tools, 102nd AMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, January 23-27, link
Roshan Shrestha, Avichal Mehra, Manuel Pondeca, Anil Kumar, Zaizhong Ma, Andre Jaco van der Westhuysen and Ali Abdolali (2022) Wind Analysis and Validation Challenges of Landfalling Storms for NOAA’s COASTAL Act Project, 102nd AMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, January 23-27, link
Andre Jaco van der Westhuysen, Saeed Moghimi, Ali Abdolali, Anil Kumar, Zaizhong Ma and Roshan Shrestha, (2022) Coupled Hurricane Storm Surge and Wave Hindcasts with Blended Wind Forcing, 102nd AMS Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, January 23-27, link
Haught, H., Abdolali, A. and Mehra, A., 2022, December. Towards a Global Wave Model System on Unstructured Meshes. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2022, pp. OS52B-0515).
Banihashemi, S., Van der Westhuysen, A.J., Abdolali, A. and Titze, D., 2022, December. Upgrades and Improvements to the Operational Great Lakes Wave Modeling System. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2022, pp. OS55A-07).
Ducker, J., Kefelegn, H., Mashriqui, H., Allen, J., Grout, R., Gibbs, R., Zyserman, J., Moghimi, S., Funakoshi, Y., Abdolali, A. and Van der Westhuysen, A.J., 2022, December. Building a dynamic middleware framework to couple 2D ocean circulation models to the National Water Model. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2022, pp. H45I-1498).
Kefelegn, H., Mashriqui, H., Allen, J., Ducker, J., Grout, R., Gibbs, R., Zyserman, J., Moghimi, S., Funakoshi, Y., Abdolali, A. and Van der Westhuysen, A.J., 2022, December. Development of A Compound Flood Modeling System for the COASTAL Act Program. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 2022, pp. H53B-07).
Kefelegn, H., Mashriqui, H., Allen, J., Ducker, J., Grout, R., Gibbs, R., Zyserman, J., Moghimi, S., Abdolali, A., Van der Westhuysen, A. and Flowers, T., 2022. Development of a Continental Scale Coastal Flood Model Using a Sub-Setting Approach. Authorea Preprints.
Allen, J., Ducker, J., Kefelegn, H., Mashriqui, H., Zyserman, J., Grout, R., Gibbs, R., Moghimi, S., Funakoshi, Y., Abdolali, A. and Van der Westhuysen, A.J., 2022, June. Inclusion of Storm Precipitation Along Inland Streamlines In A Coupled Coastal Hydrodynamic Flood Model: Balancing Computational Cost and Local Accuracy. In Frontiers in Hydrology Meeting 2022. AGU.
Ma, Z., Abdolali, A., van der Westhuysen, A.J., Shrestha, R.K., Kumar, A. and Mehra, A., 2022, May. Destructive Hurricane Simulations with HWRF and Wind Forecast Evaluations. In 35th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology. AMS.
Hesser, T., Abdolali, A., Roland, A., Bryant, M. A., Smith, J. M., & Michaud, H. (2023). Evaluation of Nearshore Source Terms in Unstructured, Implicit WAVEWATCH III. AGU23.
Abdolali, A., Hesser, T., Roland, A., Bryant, M. A., Smith, J. M., Michaud, H., ... & Honegger, D. (2023). Advancements in Multi-scale Wave Modeling: An Overview. AGU23.
Abdolali, A., Worthen, D., Masarik, M., Campos, R., Mehra, A., Roland, A., Hesser, T., Bryant, M., Smith, J.M., Banihashemi, S. and Salimi, A., 2023. An overview of WAVEWATCH III modeling Framework within coupled applications.
Zyserman, J.A., Kefelegn, H., Mashriqui, H., Allen, J.S., Ducker, J.A., Grout, R.D., Gibbs, R., Moghimi, S., Funakoshi, Y., Abdolali, A. and van der Westhuysen, A.J., 2023, January. Development and Application of a Nationwide Modeling System for Compound Flooding. In 103rd AMS Annual Meeting. AMS.
Rahman, M.A., Zhang, Y., Moghimi, S., Nazari, B. and Abdolali, A., 2023, January. Understanding The Land Surface and Bathymetric Control on Intensity of Compound Flooding by Hurricane Florence. In 103rd AMS Annual Meeting. AMS.
Wang, J., Worthen, D., Jovic, D., Curtis, B., Ji, M., Li, B., Theurich, G.J., Dunlap, R., Liu, B., Vertenstein, M. and Abdolali,. A., 2023, January. Model Infrastructure Development in UFS Weather Model. In 103rd AMS Annual Meeting. AMS.
Alves, J.H., Tolman, H., Roland, A., Abdolali, A., Ardhuin, F., Mann, G., Chawla, A. and Smith, J., 2023. NOAA’s Great Lakes Wave Prediction System. In 103rd AMS Annual Meeting. AMS.
Margaret Palmsten, Kara Doran, Li Erikson, Curt Storlazzi, Saeidah Banihashemi, Ali Abdolali, Ali Salimi, Richard Snell, Alex Nereson, Mark Buckley, Justin Birchler, Legna Torres Garcia, Michael Itzkin, Erdinc Sogut, Greg Dusek and Meaghan Emory (2023), Developing and communicating a real-time forecast for coastal change, 3rd International Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges, and Coastal Hazards, Notre Dame, IN, Oct 1-6, 2023
Martha Schonau, Luca Centurioni, Lance Braasch, Terri Paluszkiewicz and Ali Abdolali (2023), A regional comparison of wave observations from Lagrangian Directional Wave Spectra Drifters (DWSD) to moored wave buoys and WAVEWATCH III, 3rd International Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges, and Coastal Hazards, Notre Dame, IN, Oct 1-6, 2023
Ricardo Martins Campos, Ali Abdolali, Jose-Henrique Alves, Matthew Masarik, Jessica Meixner, Jessica Meixner and Darin Figurskey (2023), Description and Validation of a new 20 year global wave ensemble reforecast data, 3rd International Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges, and Coastal Hazards, Notre Dame, IN, Oct 1-6, 2023
Jessica Meixner, Bing Fu, Matthew Masarik, Lydia Stefanova, Ali Abdolali, Saeideh Banihashemi, Ricardo Campos, Ali Salimi-Tarazouj and Avichal Mehra (2023), Examining Impacts of Wave Coupling for the Next Version of the Global Forecast System (GFS), 3rd International Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges, and Coastal Hazards, Notre Dame, IN, Oct 1-6, 2023
Ali Abdolali, Usama Kadri and Maxim Filimonov (2023), Real-time Tsunami Early Warning System by Acoustic-Gravity Wave detection, 3rd International Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges, and Coastal Hazards, Notre Dame, IN, Oct 1-6, 2023
Ali Abdolali, Aron Roland, Tyler Hesser, Jane M. Smith, Mary Anderson Bryant, Heloise Michaud, Mathieu Dutour Sikiric, Ricardo Campos, Denise Worthen, Arun Chawla, Ali Salimi-Tarazouj, Saeideh Banihashemi, Matthew Masarik, Jose Henrique Alves, Jessica Meixner and Avichal Mehra (2023), Multi-scale Wave Modeling on Unstructured Meshes in the Context of Operational Applications, 3rd International Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges, and Coastal Hazards, Notre Dame, IN, Oct 1-6, 2023
Matthew Masarik, Ricardo Campos, Jessica Meixner, Ali Abdolali, Saeideh Banihashemi, Ali Salimi-Tarazouj and Avichal Mehra (2023), Validation of GFS/GEFS-wave Prototypes using WW3-tools, 3rd International Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges, and Coastal Hazards, Notre Dame, IN, Oct 1-6, 2023
Joannes Westerink, Coleman Blakely, Maria Teresa Contreras Vargas, Guoming Ling, Damrongsak Wirasaet, William Pringle, Edward Myers, Saeed Moghimi, Greg Seroka, Yuji Funakoshi, Liujuan Tang, Lei Shi, Ali Abdolali, Margaret Owensby and Chris Massey (2023), Global STOFS: A multi-scale multi-process global high resolution water level model incorporating thermohaline circulation and hydrology through heterogeneous model coupling, 3rd International Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges, and Coastal Hazards, Notre Dame, IN, Oct 1-6, 2023
Ricardo Martins Campos, Jessica Meixner, Ali Abdolali, Saeideh Banihashemi, Matthew Masarik and Avichal Mehra (2023), Impact of ensemble initialization on an extended wave forecast system, 3rd International Workshop on Waves, Storm Surges, and Coastal Hazards, Notre Dame, IN, Oct 1-6, 2023
Ayumi Fujisaki-Manome, Haoguo Hu, Jia Wang, Joannes J Westerink, Damrongsak Wirasaet, Guoming Ling, Mindo Choi, Saeed Moghimi, Edward Payson Myers III, Ali Abdolali, Andre Jaco Van der Westhuysen, Kyle Steffen, Clint Dawson, Carol Janzen, Rob Bochenek, and Jesse Lopez (2024) Advanced sea ice modeling for integration into a storm-surge, wave, and ice forecasting system for Alaska’s coast, Ocean Sciences meeting, New Orleans, USA
Candice Hall, Ty Hesser, Ali Abdolali, Robert E Jensen, and Mitchell Brown (2024) The USACE Wave Information Study, Ocean Sciences meeting, New Orleans, USA
Ayumi Fujisaki-Manome, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; and H. Hu, J. Wang, J. Westerink, D. Wirasaet, G. Ling, M. Choi, S. Moghimi, E. Myers, A. Abdolali, A. J. van der Westhuysen, K. Steffan, C. Dawson, C. Janzen, R. Bochenek, J. Lopez, and A. Abdolali (2024) Advanced Sea Ice Modeling for Integration into a Storm-Surge, Wave, and Ice Forecasting System for Alaska’s Coast, AMS Annual meeting, Baltimore, MD, USA
Ali Abdolali, Ty Hesser, Jane Smith, Mary Bryant Anderson, Aron Roland, Sally Dillon (2024) Recent advancements in the multi-scale capabilities of the spectral wave model (WAVEWATCH Ill), RD24 ERDC, Vicksburg, MS
Abdolali, U. Kadri, M. Filimonov (2024) Global Real-time Early Assessment of Tsunamis (GREAT): An overview, RD24 ERDC, Vicksburg, MS
Abdolali, A., Hesser, T., Roland, A., Schonau, M., Centurioni, L. R., Bryant, M. A., Honegger, D., Hall, C., Michaud, H., & Smith, J. M. (2024). Improved wave modeling techniques and case studies from the 2022 hurricane season. AGU Fall Meeting 2024, Washington, DC, December 9–13, 2024.
Hesser, T., Abdolali, A., Roland, A., Honegger, D., Michaud, H., Bryant, M. A., & Smith, J. M. (2024). Optimizing local-scale wave predictions for coastal engineering: Enhancements in unstructured WAVEWATCH III with high-resolution meshes. AGU Fall Meeting 2024, Washington, DC, December 9–13, 2024.
Abdolali, A., Hydracoustic waves modeling for enhancement of Tsunami Early Warning Systems (TEWS): Haida Gwaii 2012 earthquake (talk) PREDICT Workshop: a Tsunami Detection initiative for British Columbia, Ocean Network Canada, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, March 24-25, 2014
Abdolali, A., A review of oscillating wave surge converters. Numerical modeling of flap gate farm: from Venice lagoon defense to resonating wave energy production, (talk), School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), Cornell University, Ithaca, USA, October 9, 2014. pdf
Abdolali, A., Hydro-acoustic Wave Detection for Tsunami Early Warning System (TEWS), (talk), Center for Applied Coastal Research (CACR), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, USA, March 10, 2015.
Abdolali, A., Numerical Modeling of Hydro-acoustic waves In Weakly Compressible Fluid for Tsunami Early Warning System (TEWS), (talk), Department of Ocean Engineering, University of Rhode Island (URI), Narragansett, RI 02882, USA, April 9, 2015.
Abdolali, A., Numerical modeling of hydro-acoustic waves for a tsunami early warning system, Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering (DICAM) of the University of Trento, Italy, July 6, 2015.
Abdolali, A., Hydro-acoustic Waves Detection for Enhancement of Tsunami Early Warning Systems (TEWS), for WHOI postdocs and MIT-WHOI students, Bigelow 114, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), MA, USA, September 10, 2015 pdf
Abdolali, A., Dynamic Interactions between Wave - Surge - Hydrological Models, SPECIAL SEMINAR, NMSU and Arizona State University (ASU), Phoneix, Arizona, January 9th, 2019.
A. Abdolali, 2011. Experimental And Numerical Investigation Of Flow Pattern Near Floating Breakwaters In Shallow, Intermediate And Deep Waters, Master thesis, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran. pdf
A. Abdolali, 2014. Numerical Modeling of Hydro-acoustic Waves for a Tsunami Early Warning System, Ph.D. thesis, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy. pdf